Tuesday, April 5, 2016



PART 1: Image formats
  1. Find out the most common formats for images and write a short description of the features of each of them.
  • JPEG/JFIF stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group, which is a standardization committee. JPEG compressed images are often stored in a file format called JFIF.
  • TIFF stands for Tagged Image File Format is a file format that is strictly used for bitmap data.
  • GIF stands for Graphics Interchange Format, a file format that should not really be used for prepress, it is far more suited for web design or to exchange images through e-mail or newsgroups.
  • PNG stands for Portable Network Graphics is a file format that was designed to replace GIF. The file format is meant to store bitmap data.
b. Which image format preserves the quality better when it is compressed?
It’s the TIFF format.

c. Wich formats are more suitable for web design?

It’s the JPEG format.

PART 2: Organizing Images